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Mittwoch, 3. April 2024, 08:19

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INCRUSE is a once-daily treatment for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) that helps the muscles around the airways relax and prevent symptoms such as wheezing, cough, chest tightness, and shortness of breath Learn about the benefits, side effects, and how to use INCRUSE, and find out if it is right for you xnet dkma dk indlaegsseddel PdfFileServletUmeclidinium bromide, sold under the brand name Incruse Ellipta, is a long-acting muscarinic antagonist approved for the maintenance treatment of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) It is also approved for this indication in combination with vilanterol (as umeclidinium bromide vilanterol ) [3] [4] and also as a triple-therapy combination as fluticasone furoate umeclidinium bromide --- ema europa eu en medicines human EPAR incruse-ellipta-previously-incrusepro medicin dk Medicin Praeparater 7855The active substance in Incruse Ellipta, umeclidinium bromide, is a muscarinic receptor antagonist It works by blocking some receptors called muscarinic receptors, which control the contraction of muscles When umeclidinium bromide is inhaled, it relaxes the muscles of the airways This helps to keep the airways open and allows the patient to min medicin dk Medicin Praeparater 7855--- apoteket dk medicin laegemidler incruseFarmakodynamik Langtidsvirkende antikolinergikum Blokerer kompetitivt muskarinreceptorerne for acetylkolin Virker i luftvejene antagonistisk på muskarin M3-receptorerne, der medierer sammentrækningen af den glatte muskulatur i luftvejene og har dermed en bronkiedilaterende effekt --- ema europa eu en documents incruse-ellipta-epar-medicine-overview_en pdf--- medicalnewstoday com articles incruse-elliptaxnet dkma dk indlaegsseddel PdfFileServletIncruse Ellipta® er et middel, der anvendes ved KOL Der kan forekomme forskelle mellem lægemiddelbeskrivelsen og indlægssedlen Overview Incruse Ellipta is a medicine used to relieve the symptoms of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) in adults COPD is a long-term disease in which the airways and air sacs inside the lungs become damaged or blocked, leading to difficulty breathing Incruse Ellipta is used for maintenance (regular) treatment Incruse Ellipta indeholder: Aktivt stof: umeclidiniumbromid Hver enkelt inhalation leverer en afgivet dosis (den dosis, der afgives fra mundstykket) på 55 mikrogram umeclidinium (svarende til 65 mikrogram umeclidiniumbromid) Øvrige indholdsstoffer: lactosemonohydrat (se punkt 2 under ”Incruse Ellipta indeholder lactose”) og Pakninger, priser, tilskud og udlevering Incruse Ellipta® 55 mikrogram 30 doser + inhalator Receptpligtigt, må udleveres flere gange per recept Kr 256,25 Alment medicintilskud Incruse Ellipta® 55 mikrogram 90 doser + inhalator Receptpligtigt, må udleveres flere gange per recept Kr 735,05 Alment medicintilskud Incruse® 55 mikrogram inhalationspulver, afdelt Dette lægemiddel er underlagt supplerende overvågning Dermed kan der hurtigt tilvejebringes nye oplysninger om sikkerheden Du kan hjælpe ved at indberette alle de bivirkninger, du får Se sidst i punkt 4, hvordan du indberetter bivirkninger Incruse Ellipta is a prescription drug that contains the active drug umeclidinium It’s used to treat chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) in adults by relaxing the airways and improving lung function Learn about its dosage, side effects, alternatives, and more incruse comen wikipedia org wiki Umeclidinium_bromide
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